4 Ways Brands Can Be More Authentic on Social Media

brands social media Sep 21, 2024

In an increasingly digital world, consumers are constantly bombarded with content from all directions. Standing out as a brand on social media isn’t just about having eye-catching visuals or a clever tagline; it’s about building trust, fostering genuine connections, and cultivating a brand image that resonates on a human level. Authenticity is the key to achieving this.

Consumers today are quick to spot inauthentic messaging, and they value transparency, relatability, and honesty. In fact, 90% of consumers claim that authenticity is a critical factor when deciding which brands they like and support. So, how can brands become more authentic on social media and engage with their audiences in a meaningful way? Here are four ways to do just that:

1. Showcase Your Brand’s Human Side

Social media is a space for connection. While your brand may represent products, services, or solutions, your audience wants to connect with the people behind those offerings. When brands humanize their presence, they foster trust and credibility with consumers.

Tips for Humanizing Your Brand:

  • Introduce Your Team: Share behind-the-scenes content that highlights your team members. Whether it’s day-in-the-life posts, short interviews, or employee takeovers, these kinds of content can help make your brand feel more approachable.
  • Showcase Real Stories: Instead of focusing solely on polished marketing content, embrace storytelling that’s rooted in real-life experiences. Feature user-generated content, customer testimonials, or success stories that put the spotlight on your audience.
  • Be Honest About Mistakes: No brand is perfect, and pretending to be can alienate your audience. When things go wrong, acknowledge it openly. This can be as simple as a post explaining a service outage or delays in shipments, paired with a sincere apology and a promise to make things right.

Brands like Glossier and Innocent Drinks do an excellent job of showcasing their team and being upfront about any mishaps, turning moments of vulnerability into opportunities to deepen their relationship with customers.

2. Engage in Meaningful Conversations

Authenticity isn’t just about what you post, but how you interact with your audience. Social media offers brands a chance to have two-way conversations, and not just broadcast messages to followers. Engaging meaningfully with your audience shows that you value their input and view them as more than just potential buyers.

How to Foster Meaningful Interactions:

  • Respond to Comments and Messages: Brands that actively engage with their followers by responding to comments and direct messages are seen as more approachable and genuine. Acknowledge compliments, address concerns, and participate in discussions relevant to your industry.
  • Ask Questions and Seek Feedback: Inviting your audience to share their thoughts or experiences with your brand demonstrates that you care about their opinions. Polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions are great tools for initiating dialogue and learning from your audience.
  • Join Trending Conversations Authentically: If your brand can contribute to relevant trending topics or conversations in a way that aligns with its values, it can increase visibility and connect with audiences in real-time. However, avoid forced participation in trends that don’t align with your brand’s voice or mission.

An excellent example of this is Wendy’s, which has built a reputation for its witty, timely, and often humorous engagement with its followers on platforms like Twitter. Wendy’s uses a conversational tone and humor to make the brand more relatable while staying authentic to its voice.

3. Be Transparent About Your Values and Practices

Today’s consumers care about more than just products—they care about a brand’s ethics, values, and the impact it has on the world. Brands that are transparent about their practices and values are more likely to build trust and loyalty with their audience.

Ways to Practice Transparency:

  • Share Your Brand’s Values: Be open about what your company stands for, whether it’s sustainability, inclusivity, or ethical labor practices. Show how these values influence the way you operate, from sourcing materials to choosing partners.
  • Be Honest About Products or Services: It’s tempting to only highlight the best features of your products or services, but being transparent about limitations or downsides can help set realistic expectations and build trust. For example, if your product isn’t suitable for everyone, don’t shy away from sharing that information.
  • Offer Insights into Your Processes: Brands like Everlane have pioneered “radical transparency” by offering their audience insights into the entire production process—from material sourcing to cost breakdowns. This level of openness creates a sense of accountability that resonates with consumers who prioritize ethical consumption.

4. Stay Consistent and True to Your Brand Voice

Consistency is crucial when building an authentic brand presence on social media. Your brand voice should reflect who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to be perceived across all platforms. Staying true to this voice fosters trust and helps you build stronger connections with your audience.

Maintaining Authenticity Through Consistency:

  • Develop a Clear Brand Voice: Whether your brand voice is casual and humorous, formal and informative, or somewhere in between, it’s essential to remain consistent. Inconsistencies in tone or messaging can confuse your audience and undermine your credibility.
  • Avoid Overly Promotional Content: Constantly pushing products can make your brand come across as sales-driven rather than customer-focused. Instead, share content that provides value to your audience—whether it’s educational, entertaining, or inspiring.
  • Adapt to Each Platform’s Culture: While consistency is key, it’s also important to adapt your content to fit the culture of each social media platform. What works on LinkedIn might not resonate on Instagram or TikTok. Find a balance between being true to your brand and being relevant to the platform’s audience.

Take a brand like Nike, which uses a consistent motivational tone across platforms while adapting its content to suit the audience and format of each platform—whether through compelling video campaigns on YouTube or inspirational posts on Instagram.


Authenticity is more than a buzzword; it’s a vital ingredient for building a lasting, loyal audience on social media. By humanizing your brand, engaging in genuine conversations, staying transparent, and being consistent with your brand voice, you can foster stronger connections with your audience and create a more authentic social media presence. In a world where consumers crave realness, brands that embrace authenticity are the ones that will stand out from the noise and thrive.

Looking to make your brand more authentic on social media? Socially Savvy Solutions is here to help! We specialize in crafting social media strategies that resonate with your audience, build trust, and drive engagement. Whether it’s developing your brand voice, creating meaningful content, or managing your online presence, we’ve got the expertise to make your brand stand out. Let us help you connect with your audience in a genuine, impactful way.

Ready to elevate your social media game? Contact us today and start building authentic connections with your customers!

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