5 Text Messaging Mistakes Small Businesses Should Avoid

text marketing text marketing strategies text message text message marketing text messages text messaging text messaging marketing Apr 08, 2024

As a small business owner, you're always looking for new and effective ways to connect with your customers. One channel that has been gaining a lot of traction is text messaging. Texting offers a direct, personal line of communication that can be a powerful tool for engagement, updates, and customer service.

However, like any communication channel, there are pitfalls to be aware of when using text messaging for your small business. In this article, we'll explore 5 common text messaging mistakes that small businesses should be sure to avoid.

Failing to Get Permission

One of the cardinal rules of business texting is to never send unsolicited texts. Customers hate receiving random, unwanted messages on their personal phones. Before you start texting customers, you need to get their explicit permission.

This means setting up a text messaging opt-in process, whether that's a signup form on your website, a keyword they can text to join your list, or something else. Make it clear what kinds of messages they'll be receiving and how often.

Obtaining that initial consent is crucial - not only for keeping your customers happy, but for complying with regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Failure to get proper consent can lead to hefty fines, so don't skip this step.

Sending Messages at the Wrong Time

Timing is everything when it comes to text messages. Since smartphones are so personal and always with us, getting a text at the wrong moment can be disruptive and even annoying for your customers.

Avoid sending messages too early in the morning, too late at night, or during typical mealtimes. Pay attention to your customer demographics - a message that's perfectly timed for a young urbanite might be poorly timed for a suburban parent.

It's also important to be mindful of major holidays and events that might make your customers less receptive to business outreach. The day before Thanksgiving is probably not the best time to be blasting out promotional texts.

Lacking a Clear Call-to-Action

Effective business texts don't just convey information - they also guide the recipient to take a specific action. Whether it's visiting your website, responding to a survey, or redeeming a coupon, each text should have a clear, compelling call-to-action (CTA).

Your CTA should be short, direct, and easy to understand. Use active language that creates a sense of urgency, like "Shop our spring sale now!" or "Click here to claim your discount." Include a link or instructions the customer can easily follow.

Without a strong CTA, your texts run the risk of being forgettable or ineffective. The goal is to turn your text messages into mini-campaigns that drive real results for your business.

Sending Too Many Messages

While text messaging can be a powerful communication tool, it's possible to overdo it. Bombarding your customers with constant messages, even if they're opted in, can quickly become overbearing and lead them to tune out or even unsubscribe.

Aim to strike a balance - send messages frequently enough to stay top-of-mind, but not so often that you become a nuisance. A good rule of thumb is no more than 1-2 texts per week, unless you have a specific, time-sensitive reason to increase the frequency.

Pay attention to your customer feedback and engagement rates. If you notice people starting to opt out or ignore your texts, that's a sign you need to scale back. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to business texting.

Failing to Personalize

In the age of hyper-personalization, generic, one-size-fits-all text messages just don't cut it anymore. Customers expect a more tailored, relevant experience, and that applies to your text messaging as well.

Whenever possible, try to personalize your texts with the recipient's name, location, purchase history, or other data points that show you know and value them as an individual. You can also segment your list and send targeted messages to different customer groups.

The more personalized and contextual your texts can be, the more engaging and effective they'll be. Avoid bland, impersonal messages that feel like they could have been sent to anyone. Put in the extra effort to make each text feel like it was crafted just for that particular customer.

Putting it All Together

Text messaging can be an incredibly powerful tool for small businesses - if used correctly. By avoiding these 5 common mistakes, you can create a text messaging strategy that delights your customers and drives real results for your business.

Remember to get proper consent, time your messages thoughtfully, include clear calls-to-action, moderate your frequency, and personalize whenever possible. With a little care and attention, you can turn text messaging into a valuable part of your overall marketing and communication mix.

So what are you waiting for? Start crafting those killer text messages and watch your customer engagement soar!

Are you ready to harness the power of text messaging and take your marketing to new heights? Our team at Socially Savvy Solutions has been helping businesses just like yours connect with customers since 2009.

With our comprehensive text marketing services, you can:

  • Reach your audience directly on their personal devices
  • Share time-sensitive promotions, updates, and more with lightning speed
  • Boost engagement, loyalty, and sales through personalized, relevant messaging
  • Complement your other digital marketing efforts for a truly integrated approach

Don't let your audience slip through the cracks. Partner with the experts at Socially Savvy Solutions and start supercharging your marketing with the incredible power of text messaging.

Follow this link to Get Started Today! 


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