Are Your Organic Social Media Posts Are Bringing in Sales?

social media social media content social media marketing social media marketing strategies social media posts May 09, 2024

Did you know that more than half of the world's population (4.26 billion people) uses social media? That's a staggering number and one that businesses simply cannot afford to ignore when it comes to social media marketing.

Here's a statistic about social media marketing that might surprise you: Only 12% of businesses say they are able to quantify the revenue impact from their social media marketing efforts. That means the vast majority are just shooting in the dark, pouring time and resources into social media without really knowing if it's paying off in cold, hard sales.

So are your organic social media posts actually bringing in sales for your business? It's a crucial question that every marketer needs to be able to answer. Let's dig into it.

When we talk about social media marketing, we're really talking about two parallel tracks. On one side, you have paid advertising on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. This is where you put dollars behind promoted posts and ads to amplify your reach.

But the other side, the one we'll focus on today, is organic social media marketing. This is all about creating and sharing content on your brand's social channels without paying for further promotion or amplification. Just you publishing posts for your existing fans and followers to (hopefully) see, engage with, and share.

Now the big question on every business owner's mind is - can organic social media marketing actually drive sales and revenue? The answer depends. Organic social media alone is very unlikely to deliver a flood of direct sales for most businesses. But that doesn't mean it can't play a vital role in an overall marketing strategy aimed at boosting sales.

You see, marketing on social media in an organic, non-paid way tends to be more effective for activities higher up in the marketing funnel like:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Establishing authority and credibility
  • Increasing engagement with your audience
  • Driving traffic to your website or landing pages

While those may not directly equate to purchases right away, they are absolutely essential steps in ultimately converting social media fans and followers into paying customers over time.

The key is understanding that organic social media marketing, when done consistently and correctly, can nurture relationships with your target audience. You're staying top of mind, providing value, and guiding people gradually through the marketing funnel until they are ready to buy from you.

So if your goals are solely focused on quick, transactional sales, then no - organic social media posts probably aren't going to deliver those results on their own. But if you view social media marketing as a long game, part of an integrated digital marketing approach, then the answer is yes - organic social can absolutely help drive sales, just in a more indirect way.

What does an effective organic social media marketing strategy look like then? Here are a few pillars to focus on:

  1. Consistent posting of engaging, audience-focused content (not just self-promotion)
  2. Interacting with your followers by responding to comments/messages
  3. Sharing curated third-party content that provides value
  4. Promoting lead magnets and driving traffic back to your website
  5. Aligning your social presence with other marketing efforts like email and paid ads

When you take a holistic view of social media marketing and see the organic side as just one piece of the larger puzzle, that's when you can start to accurately measure its impact on your bottom line. While the sales may not be directly trackable, your organic social presence plays a vital role in solidifying brand loyalty and moving customers through your marketing funnel.

So don't just gauge the success of your organic social media posts based on a simple revenue number. Look at metrics like engagement, brand sentiment, web traffic, and lead gen instead. If you're consistently showing up, providing value, and integrating your organic efforts with other marketing channels, you can absolutely leverage social media as an effective tool for driving sales over time.

As you can see, social media marketing isn't just about posting random updates and hoping for the best. It's a strategic process that involves creating engaging content, building a loyal following, and ultimately converting that following into paying customers. And that's where a lot of businesses fall short – they're not sure how to turn their social media efforts into actual sales.

But don't worry, we're here to help!

At Socially Savvy Solutions, we've been helping businesses like yours succeed in the world of social media marketing for over 9 years. We know what it takes to create a winning social media strategy that not only builds brand awareness but also drives real, measurable results.

One of our most popular services is our GOLD Package – Social Media Marketing at $359/mo. Here's what you can expect when you subscribe:

  • Expertise in Social Media Strategy: Our team comprises experts in social media strategy. By subscribing, you gain access to their knowledge and experience in developing effective and tailored strategies for maximum impact.
  • Consistent, High-Quality Content Creation: We'll create a steady stream of engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your target audience and keeps them coming back for more.
  • Targeted Audience Growth: Our strategies are designed to help you attract and grow a targeted audience of potential customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services.
  • Increased Brand Visibility and Engagement: Through strategic posting, hashtag usage, and community engagement, we'll help increase your brand's visibility and foster meaningful connections with your audience.
  • Detailed Performance Reporting: We'll provide you with regular, detailed reports on the performance of your social media campaigns, so you can see the tangible results of our efforts.

If you're ready to take your social media marketing to the next level and start driving real sales, it's time to partner with Socially Savvy Solutions. Our GOLD Package is designed to give you the competitive edge you need in the crowded world of social media marketing.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today by following this link;  and let's get started on a customized social media marketing strategy that will help your business thrive!

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