How to Create Authentic and Relatable Social Media Video Content

social media video content video creation tips video marketing video production tips Feb 01, 2024

Social media videos have become an extremely popular and effective way for brands to connect with their audience. With so much content out there, it can be challenging to create videos that truly resonate with viewers. The key is to focus on authenticity and relatability. 

In this article, we'll explore some tips and strategies to help you create social media videos that come across as genuine and easy for viewers to relate to. This includes embracing imperfection, using natural settings and lighting, showcasing real employees and customers, telling compelling stories, and more. 

By following these best practices, you can produce engaging social videos that align with your brand's voice and values. Viewers will feel you are speaking directly to them in an honest, down-to-earth way. The result is content that grabs attention, builds trust, and helps you connect with your audience on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Show the Real Faces of Your Brand

One great way to create authentic and relatable social media videos is to highlight the real faces behind your brand. Focus on showcasing your employees, customers, and fans in raw, candid moments. Capture their real personalities, emotions, and unscripted interactions.

For example, interview employees about their roles and let their genuine enthusiasm for your company shine through. Film customers enjoying your products or services and talking about their experiences. Feature user-generated content from brand advocates sharing their love for your business.

Avoid overly staged, corporate videos with stiff actors reciting promotional lines. That comes across as inauthentic. Instead, bring in real employees with passion and let their authentic personalities connect with viewers. Show customers having genuine delight with your offering. Let fans share real stories about how your brand has impacted them.

The goal is to move away from polished, posed perfection. Embrace real, candid moments that viewers can relate to. This raw, authentic footage helps the audience feel an emotional connection with the people representing your brand. When viewers see real personalities and emotions, they are more likely to trust your brand and feel connected to it.

Embrace Imperfection

When creating social media videos, don't be afraid to embrace the imperfections. Showing the bloopers, mistakes, and silly behind-the-scenes moments can actually make your videos more authentic and relatable.

Viewers connect with raw, unfiltered content. Quick cuts between scenes, natural settings, and a casual filming style helps add a dash of authenticity to videos. The outtakes where someone fumbles their lines or breaks out in giggles lets viewers see the human side of your brand.

So relax on the polish and perfection. Keep things casual, candid, and down to earth. For example, you could film short video clips on a smartphone as you walk around your office space or production floor. Capture employees in casual chats sharing what they love about the company. Just let the camera roll and don't be afraid of imperfection.

The more produced and scripted a video feels, the less relatable it becomes. Embracing imperfection reminds viewers you are just real people behind the brand. This genuineness and transparency helps attract viewer attention while building trust and affinity for your brand.

Tell Compelling Stories

One of the most powerful ways to create authentic and engaging social media videos is through storytelling. Use videos to share your brand's unique story and purpose. Help viewers understand your values, history, and mission.

Spotlight customer stories that share how your brand has impacted them. User-generated content of fans and customers describing their experience with your product or service in their own words is incredibly relatable. Ask followers to share why they love your brand using a branded hashtag.

Build videos around a compelling narrative arc. For example, focus on an employee's first day at the company or an artist's journey in creating a custom product. Feature the story behind a loyal customer who has been with you from the beginning.

Storytelling forms an emotional bond between viewer and brand. It taps into shared experiences that humanize your company and make it more relatable. Leading viewers on a journey builds connection on a deeper level.

With the power of visual media, you can tell engaging stories that create authenticity, transparency, and affinity. Viewers will come away feeling connected to the people, passions, and purpose fueling your brand.

Struggling to create engaging social media content? We have the solution.

At Socially Savvy Solutions, we make it easy to captivate your audience with professional video and blog content. If you want to be an active video creator, simply record your raw footage and we'll handle the editing, graphics, distribution and more. We also offer blog writing services to keep your audience engaged daily with compelling posts.

See firsthand how impactful your content can be. Try us today with one of our budget-friendly packages custom fit for your brand's needs.

Ready to elevate your social media presence? Visit our products page at and get started with Socially Savvy Solutions! Our team is here to bring your content dreams to life.

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