Use Social Media to Boost Text Messaging Engagement for small Biz

social media social media advertising social media and digital marketing strategies text marketing text marketing strategies text message Apr 29, 2024

The Social Media Connection

Let's face it - social media is where it's at these days for businesses of all sizes. Having an active presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allows you to connect with your customer base and promote your products or services. But did you know that social media can also be a powerful tool for driving engagement with your text messaging campaigns?

By integrating your social channels with your text messaging platform, you can reach customers where they're already active and encourage them to opt-in to receive your SMS updates, promotions, and more. It's a win-win - your customers get the convenient communication they crave, and you get to nurture stronger relationships while boosting your text messaging subscriber list.

Getting the Word Out

So how can you leverage social media to give your text messaging programs a boost? Here are some proven tactics:

Use Pinned Posts and Stories

On Facebook and Instagram, pinned posts and stories are prime real estate for promoting your SMS programs. Create eye-catching visuals that clearly explain the benefits of joining your text club, like exclusive offers and insider updates. Be sure to include a straightforward call-to-action with your opt-in keyword and short code.

Run Social Ads and Boosted Posts

Don't be afraid to put a little ad spend behind your text messaging promotion posts. Facebook and Instagram ads allow you to hyper-target potential subscribers based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Try offering an incentive like a one-time discount code for signing up to create an extra motivator.

Encourage User-Generated Content

People love sharing their experiences and being featured by their favorite brands. Invite your existing text messaging subscribers to snap photos showcasing how they use your products or services, then reshare that content on your channels with a CTA to join your SMS program. It's organic social proof that can go a long way.

The Fine Print on Compliance

Before you dive into social SMS promotion, it's crucial to understand the compliance requirements around text messaging marketing. Based on CTIA guidelines:

  • You must include clear opt-in instructions and an opt-out disclaimer
  • Promotions can't use misleading tactics like pre-checked boxes or confusing language
  • You need prior consent before sending SMS campaigns

Make sure your social posts and any opt-in paths adhere to these regulations. It's better to be safe than face penalties down the line.

Aligning Your Channels

The magic really happens when your social media and SMS strategies work hand-in-hand. Consistent branding, voice, and cross-promotion lay the foundation for an integrated experience customers will appreciate.

Share Social Content via SMS

Once customers opt into your text messaging, give them a taste of the awesome social content they're missing out on. Try sending tactical MMS messages with shoppable product photos, videos, GIFs, and links to drive traffic back to your feeds.

Promote SMS Exclusives on Social

On the flip side, use social media to build excitement around SMS-only deals, early access to new products, and other unique offers reserved for your text messaging inner circle. The fear of missing out is a powerful motivator!

The bottom line? Combining the reach of social media with the personal connection of text messaging allows small businesses to maximize impact and deliver a cohesive brand experience from every angle. So start cross-promoting your channels, and enjoy the engagement boost that comes from putting SMS and social in a stranglehold.


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